How to Get Toothpaste out of Clothes and Other Materials Naturally

By Laurie Fanelli in Natural Products

We've all been there. You are just about ready to leave the house, but one last look in the mirror reveals an ugly toothpaste stain. Don't let this toothpaste tragedy turn your morning into mayhem. There are easy DIY solutions to get rid of soiled spots using natural products you already have on hand.

What to Do When You Spot a Toothpaste Stain

If you've ever wondered how to get toothpaste out of clothes, carpets, and other fabrics, the first step is to scrape off any excess toothpaste from your garment. A spoon is a good tool for the job as it poses less of a risk to fine fabrics than other options. Next, you are going to take a clean rag, wet it with cold water, and blot the stain. Never rub fresh toothpaste into fabric when attempting to remove it because it could embed the stain deeper into the fiber, making it more difficult to eliminate.

Speed is key for the best chance of stain removal, especially for whitening toothpastes. These may include ingredients that can discolor fabrics, so get to work as soon as you notice the stain.

Now that we've covered a few universal first steps on how to remove toothpaste stains, here are a few options for further treatments.

White Vinegar

When it comes to natural cleaning products, white vinegar is a versatile stain and odor remover. To get rid of a toothpaste stain on clothing, create a solution of one part white vinegar to two parts cool water. Soak a clean rag with the solution and gently blot the stain away. Let the fabric sit for a minute or two, then blot the stain again with a dry rag. Afterward, rinse the fabric with cool water. At this point, you can leave it to dry or toss it in with a load of laundry. Do not place the item in the dryer until you are certain the stain has disappeared.

Lemon Juice

The citrus aroma of lemon juice makes it all the more appealing as a stain fighter. To remove a toothpaste stain from your clothes, cut a lemon in half and rub the exposed pulp on the stained area. Next, rinse the area with cold water. You should start seeing results soon after. If you encounter a stubborn, dried stain on a resilient material — such as a cotton shirt — rub the area with lemon and top the stain with salt. Then, rub the material together to get the salt deep into the fibers to further work out the stain. Rinse with cool water after you are satisfied that the stain has been removed.

Lemon juice is a natural way to remove stains

Baking Soda

Knowing how to get toothpaste out of clothes is one thing, but what about your carpet? Fear not! Baking soda is a tough stain fighter and a great option for cleaning carpets and rugs. Sprinkle the stained area with baking soda and spray the area with water. You should let that sit for at least an hour or two, or you can leave it overnight if that's more convenient. Once the area is dry, vacuum up the baking soda, and the carpet should be fresh and clean.

Baking Soda is a good way to remove stains from carpets

Toothpaste stains don't have to be a day-ruiner. Inexpensive and easy solutions are waiting just behind a cabinet door.

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Image Sources: Unsplash | Pixabay | Pixabay

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Why It's Good

These simple, DIY solutions for removing toothpaste stains from fabric are effective and support an eco-friendly lifestyle.