Natural Remedies for Allergies to Help Kids Breathe Easily

By Sher Warkentin in Healthy Feeling

Springtime means colorful blossoms and budding plants everywhere you look. Unfortunately, many of those beautiful signs of spring can also cause seasonal allergies. If your kids are suffering from itchy eyes, sneezing, and stuffy, runny noses, you can help them find relief without turning to medication. Here are a few natural remedies for allergies that may help your kids breathe easier and enjoy the season. (Before substituting medications, you’ll want to consult your child’s doctor.)

Leave The Allergens Outside

Allergy symptoms are especially hard to deal with at night when your kids are trying to sleep. One of the best methods to minimize symptoms is to ensure you don’t bring allergens inside with you. Have your kids change their clothes immediately after they’ve been playing outside, and if possible, make sure they bathe and wash their hair before bed with a mild cleanser, like Tom’s of Maine Baby Shampoo and Wash. Wearing a hat outside can also reduce the risk of allergens ending up in sheets and pillows.

Keep the Indoor Air Allergy-Free

Air purifiers can be a pricey investment, but they’re an effective way to naturally filter allergens out of your home. Look for purifiers that use HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, which can remove pollen and dust particles from the air. You can also use filters in your heating and air conditioning system to prevent allergens from circulating throughout your house. Lastly, vacuum regularly with a HEPA vacuum cleaner that filters out dust instead of stirring it up.

Consider Omega-3s

Studies show that people who eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids have a reduced risk of experiencing hay fever symptoms. You can talk to your pediatrician about omega-3 supplements for kids, but the most effective form is in foods. Getting kids to eat fish isn’t usually an option, but there are plenty of other options, like chia and flaxseeds, that are a great natural source of omega-3. (Plus, you can disguise them in smoothies or baked goods.)

Omega 3 fatty acids have been proven to reduce hay fever risk.

Try Saline Spray

Non-medicated nasal sprays, like saline, are a natural, over-the-counter treatment for kids’ allergy symptoms. Saline sprays help flush out allergens and mucus so that those tiny nasal passages are clear to breathe again. It’s safe for kids of all ages, even those too young for allergy medication.

Avoid Your Triggers


One of the simplest natural remedies for allergies is to avoid triggering symptoms. If you know your child is allergic to a specific plant or flower, then the best thing to do is stay away from it. Keeping kids indoors on a sunny, spring day is much easier said than done, but it helps to plan activities in the afternoon and early evening since plants tend to release pollen in the morning.

There are dozens of natural supplements, like stinging nettle and quercetin, that possibly treat stubborn allergy symptoms. Just remember to check with your doctor before trying anything new, especially for kids.

What are some home remedies for children’s allergies that have worked for your family? Share any we missed on Twitter!

Image source: Flickr | Flickr | Pixabay

This article was brought to you by Tom’s of Maine. The views and opinions expressed by the author do not reflect the position of Tom’s of Maine.

Why It’s Good

Your family doesn't have to suffer just to enjoy nature during the spring season. These natural remedies for allergies can help fight off the itchy eyes and runny noses so that your kids are free to explore and play outdoors.