For most, hopping in the car and going for a drive can be relaxing. But, if you're like me and get carsick easily, the excitement of a getaway is met equally with a bit of hesitation. I'm no stranger to unwelcome nausea, fatigue, and dizziness, even on short trips across town. That is, until I learned some natural remedies for motion sickness. Knowing why you get queasy in the car and which home remedies help for motion sickness can help you ease your ailments.
What Is Motion Sickness Exactly?
When we are exposed to physical, visual, or virtual motion, our inner ear system can become agitated, according to an article published by Experimental Brain Research. For example, if what we see doesn't match the motion we're feeling, the mechanisms in our inner ears that control our balance are thrown off, and we may experience the following symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Cold sweats
- Drowsiness
- Headache
- Increased salivation
- Nausea
- Vomiting
The article explains that symptoms are more prevalent for car passengers, not drivers. I can attest to this and say that being behind the wheel reduces my chances of feeling poorly. And, I personally tend to not get sick when in vehicles with a high-wheel base, such as an SUV, truck, bus, or van.
11 Natural Remedies for Motion Sickness
If you find yourself going on an impromptu car ride with little time to prepare, there are ways to lessen the unease. Try a combination of these home remedies for motion sickness, including snacks and in-car techniques, to make your next road trip more enjoyable.
Penn State offers a few natural remedies for motion sickness that are delicious, too. The road snacks you pack for your car ride matter! Try calming your queasiness with the following foods and drinks:
- Peppermint (candy, gum, mints, or tea)
- Plain crackers
- Black horehound (candies or lozenges)
- Water or seltzer water to keep you hydrated
- Ginger (ginger ale soda, chewy ginger candies, or ginger tea)
Penn State also suggests a few in-care techniques that may help mitigate the effects of motion sickness. Here are a few things to try while on the drive:
- Turn cold air vents toward your face (I've also tried rolling down the window for fresh air)
- Avoid reading in the car
- Wear wrist acupressure bands
- Sit in the front seat, if possible
- Keep your gaze in the direction you're traveling
- Do deep breathing exercises (I personally like the four-count box breath I learned in yoga class. Giving four counts for each step: inhale, hold, exhale, hold. Then repeat the steps. It helps take my focus away from the car movement and feeling ill.)
For mild, occasional cases, it's possible to mitigate motion sickness with the snacks you bring along and the choices you make while riding in the car. All you need to do is think ahead and be ready to soothe yourself.
If you experience multiple motion sickness symptoms and notice it's affecting your desire and ability to travel, it's time to speak to your physician about additional ways to manage this condition.
Curious to discover more natural remedies to incorporate in your daily life? Browse the Ingredients from Nature board by @tomsofmaine on Pinterest.
Image Source: Pexels | Pexels | Pexels
The views and opinions expressed in any guest post featured on our site are those of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Tom's of Maine.
Why It's Good
Going for a spin with a friend or heading out on a weekend road trip with family doesn't have to cause your stomach to turn. Being mindful of where you sit in the car and what you do while riding can make a huge difference in whether or not motion sickness will affect you, and to what degree. Be proactive! You got this!