Natural Baby Heat Rash Treatment Options

By Bridget M. Burns in Natural Products

Have you ever noticed red skin and tiny bumps on your baby's skin? It can be concerning for a parent—especially a new parent—when something appears to be out of the ordinary with your baby's health. These symptoms could indicate a mild condition known as baby heat rash. Here's what causes it, as well as several natural baby heat rash treatment options you can try—and feel good about.


What Causes Baby Heat Rash?


Heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, can be triggered by heat and humidity. According to the Mayo Clinic, this rash can develop when blocked sweat ducts trap perspiration under the skin. This might happen in hot, humid weather or after a period of physical exertion. Overheating from too many layers of clothing can also cause heat rash.


In babies, immature sweat ducts can contribute to heat rash. The Mayo Clinic explains that, because a newborn's sweat ducts are not yet fully developed, they can rupture more easily. This means that even in safe environments, such as a hospital incubator, infants can still develop heat rash.


baby on beach in hot weather


Heat Rash Symptoms


Heat rash can present with a variety of symptoms. These include tiny red bumps, red skin, water blisters, or an itchy feeling. According to Seattle Children's Hospital, there will be no fever present with normal symptoms. In babies, heat rash normally appears on the neck, shoulders, and chest, though any area with skin creases could be prone to the reaction.


Of course, if your child looks or acts very sick, has a fever, or has a rash that looks infected, call your pediatrician.


Natural Baby Heat Rash Treatment Options


As an adult suffering from heat rash, you might consider a dip in the cool ocean water, but for babies, treatment is best handled at home. Seattle Children's Hospital recommends following these tips to treat your child's heat rash:

  • Cool them down. Give your child a cool bath, without any soap, and allow them to air dry. For smaller affected areas, you can simply use a cool washcloth. For either method, make sure that the water temperature isn't too cold, as you do not want your child to develop a chill.
  • Help them sleep. Make sure that they have a cool sleeping environment.
  • Keep clothing loose and airy. Avoid putting tight-fitting clothes on your child or overdressing them.
  • Avoid high temperatures. When it's hot outside, keep your baby in a cool or air-conditioned environment to avoid excessive heat.


baby in a cool bath


Looking for more ways to incorporate natural remedies into your everyday life? Check out the Naturally Inspired Solutions board by @tomsofmaine on Pinterest!


Image Sources: Pixabay |Bridget M. Burns | Pixabay


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Why It's Good

Not sure whether your child's rash requires a trip to the pediatrician? If you are currently experiencing hot and humid weather, the issue could be treated at home.