Tom’s of Maine® Announces Winners of ‘Turn the Tide’ Public Vote

By Dr. Shelly Lakly, Managing Director of The Nature Conservancy’s Saving Rivers Strategy

Tom’s of Maine® has been an integral part of helping The Nature Conservancy protect and restore natural waterways so that our communities, economies and natural areas have the clean water they need to stay healthy and productive.

Through its Turn the Tide campaign, Tom’s of Maine has again committed to restoring and revitalizing waterways in need. The campaign funds four water projects at the Conservancy.

Throughout April, Tom’s of Maine asked for the public’s help to direct funding to these projects by voting for their favorite water-related protection effort. The three projects with the most votes will receive an additional $25,000, $15,000, or $10,000 in funding, respectively.

After tallying more than 2,200 consumer votes from across the country, we are pleased to announce the winning projects:

  1. First Place: Colorado River Basin
  2. Second Place: East Coast Dams
  3. Third Place: Mississippi River Basin

Each project receives a guaranteed base level of support, a portion of which will go toward administration of the mission of the Conservancy, for a total donation of $1 million.

Mississippi River Basin

The Mississippi River Basin cradles more than 1,200 million square miles in 31 states—forming the world’s fourth largest river basin. Learn more about how we are working to restore water quality.

Colorado River Basin

The Colorado River supplies drinking water to nearly 40 million people, irrigates more than 5 million acres of land, produces 4,200 megawatts of hydropower, and supports a thriving $26 billion recreation and tourism industry. Learn more about how we are working to protect water for people and nature.

East Coast Dams

Thousands of dams—many 100-150 years old—affect river flow, often cutting off the migrations of fish and other aquatic species completely. Many of these dams are outdated and are no longer in service, but their impacts remain. Learn more about our work removing and rebuilding dams from Maine to Maryland.

Sustainable Rivers Program

Thousands of dams and other water infrastructure throughout the United States provide us with clean drinking water, flood protection, hydropower and even recreational opportunities. Learn how we are working to revitalize America’s water infrastructure to protect nature and support the growing needs of people.

Join us in protecting freshwater ecosystems across the country to ensure our communities have clean drinking water, lower flood risks, and ultimately to keep our rivers healthy. Learn more about what you can do to help at our website.